
Following are a list of references and links previously referred to throughout the website.

ImageJ Users Manual: (v 1.46, 2012) (recommend to print and bind a copy for reference): 

Other references:


ANSI/ASABE Standard S572.3 2021. Spray Nozzle Classification by Droplet Spectra. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan, USA.


Chaskopoulou, A., Latham, M., Periera, R., and Koehler, P. Droplet sampling of an oil-based and two water-based antievaporant ULV insecticide formulations using Teflon® and Magnesium Oxide Coated Slides. 2013. Journal of American Mosquito Control Association, 29(2):173-176.


Designation: E2798 – 11. Standard Test Method for Characterization of Performance of Pesticide Spray Drift Reduction Adjuvants for Ground Application. 2011. Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States.


Hoffmann, W.C., Fritz, B., and Ledebuhr, M. 2014. Evaluation of 1, 3, 6, 8-Pyrene tetra sulfonic acid tetra sodium salt (PTSA) as an agricultural spray tracer dye. Appl. Eng. Ag. 30(1):25-28.


Matthews, G., Batterson, R. and Miller, P. 2014. Pesticide Application Methods. Wiley Press.


Mickle R. REMSpC Report 2002-203, revised May 31, 2004. Stainalysis Manual.


R.L. Roten, A.J. Hewitt, M. Ledebuhr, H. Thistle, R.J. Connell, T.M. Wolf, S. Sankar and S.J.R. Woodward. 2013. Evaluation of spray deposition in potatoes using various spray delivery systems. New Zealand Plant Protection 66: 317-323


Schindelin, J., Arganda-Carreras, I., Frise, E. Kaynig, V., Longair, M., Pietzsch, T.,   Preibisch, S., Rueden, C., Saalfeld, S., Schmid, B., Tinevez, J., White, DJ., Hartenstein, V.  Eliceiri, V., Tomancak, P. and Cardona, A.  (2012), "Fiji: an open-source platform for biological-image analysis", Nature Methods 9(7): 676-682


 Zhu, H. Salyani, M., Fox, R. 2011. A portable scanning system for evaluation of spray deposit distribution. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 76 (2011) 38–43.

Depositscan manual: 

DropVision® by Leading Edge Associates, January 2015

ImagePro Plus by Media Cybernetics,